Bull Hill (Mt. Taurus) via Lone Star/Nelsonville/...

Hudson Highlands State Park Preserve

View of Breakneck Ridge - Photo: Daniel Chazin View of Breakneck Ridge - Photo: Daniel Chazin View from trail - Photo: Daniel Chazin View from trail - Photo: Daniel Chazin

This loop hike climbs Bull Hill, with spectacular views over the Hudson River, Breakneck Ridge, Cold Spring and West Point.

41.434633, -73.93654

Proceed ahead on the blue-blazed Lone Star Trail, which climbs gradually along a woods road. In 0.3 mile,...

Prepare For Your Hike

Avenza App Map: East Hudson 102

Let's Go

Trip Reports

rate experience
October 12, 2015
Blazing of Undercliff Trail is acceptable
<p>Today, I did this hike (for the first time in 11 years). &nbsp;I found a number of other things in the hike description that required updating (and I have since updated the description), but had little trouble following the route of the Undercliff and Split Rock Trails. &nbsp;I agree that the blazng is somewhat sparse in places and could probably be improved, but there are enough blazes to show the hiker where to go. &nbsp;Thanks for alerting me to a potential issue with the hike -- as a result of which I enjoyed a magnificent hike today!</p>
Daniel Chazin
October 09, 2015
Undercliff needs re-blazing
<p>My husband and I did this hike in three and a half hours today. Beautiful hike with great views, BUT: Please, please re-blaze the Undercliff trail! We nearly got lost a few different times on it. First we encountered a single blaze where there should have been two, indicating a left turn; at other times the blazes were too "few and far between"; and at one junction, just after a great viewpoint, hikers can see two trees, both seemingly "aimed at" hikers coming from the same direction, where one tree has two blazes indicating a turn, and the other has a single, "straight-ahead" blaze. Here we accidentally hiked in a complete circle, coming back to where we'd started! And as long as i'm grousing: On the red trail near the end of the hike, but before you get back to the blue trail, more red blazes are needed. We wandered around for quite a while there, too, looking for the next blaze.</p>
April 05, 2014
Missed turns too!
<p>I have to laugh. I didn't take notes about where other people said they missed turns on the yellow trail. I remember reading the comments that the yellow trail was tricky, so we paid careful attention to the blazes. However, we missed two turns too! The same ones described by others. One of my dogs actually pointed out the first one to us (which we had just past). The second one, at the view, where the trail markers changed we missed too. We no longer saw blazes and had to go back, where someone else pointed out the turn to us.</p> <p>Nice hike though with several views.</p> <p>Some photos: http://agiletrekker.blogspot.com/2014/04/bull-hill-mt-taurus-via-lone.html</p>
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