Volunteers from Pepsico Work with Trail Conference to Clear Portion of Teatown-Kitchawan Trail

June 09, 2010
Leigh Draper
New York-New Jersey Trail Conference


Volunteers from Pepsico Work with Trail Conference to Clear Portion of Teatown-Kitchawan Trail



JUNE 10, 2010: 15 volunteers from Pepsico helped to clear a section of the emerging Teatown-Kitchawan Trail in Mount Kisco, Westchester County. The project was jointly organized and sponsored by the New York-New Jersey Trail Conference, Teatown Lake Reservation, and The Volunteer Center of United Way.

Pepsico volunteers clear  barberry from the new Teatown-Kitchawan Trail in Westchester County.

The trail is clear of  invasive barberry and ready for hikers.
As the work day began, the trail was
blocked by barberry.
 The trail after Pepsico Volunteers have cleared it.